#Day5 - Colors, colors

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#Day5 - Colors, colors

Today I converted everything to UserControl except the LoginPage and MainWindow xaml files. Today I'm trying to link the different elements and the main menu so that the navigation can work when linked together. For this I need to read up on what and how to do it.

I also want to finalize the colors, fields and buttons. I would like it to be consistent and have a significant resemblance to what is in the design plan. Both in terms of pages, layout and colors.

I will put the styles for these in a style.xaml. Update. I struggled with rounding the pages because it was difficult to adjust. Then finally viewing the final result the UI looked pretty ugly. I therefore decided to make the radius of the pages and the corners of the program in general a little rounder.

I'm still struggling with the button colors, as if I set a main color for the letters, everything else will take over. So will the letters on the buttons. This is not good because the base font color is dark, while the lettering on the buttons should be light. Of course, if you could use CSS, including BootStrap, which is expected when writing programs, you could easily solve quite a lot of things.

I've done quite a lot of reading and it's very difficult to "eat" Bootstrap classes in WPF, and as far as I know, it was only possible in previous versions. Another reason why I wanted to do the development in Java.

Anyway, that's it now, you have to love it. So I'm still struggling with the colors, but I might let it go temporarily and go back to fixing the pratfalls in the end if I have time.

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