It's been a long time since I've published a post, because a lot of changes are happening in my life, and studying has taken up all my free time besides work.
This June I graduated as a software developer and tester in a 2 year adult education course.
I studied HTML, CSS, Python, JavaScript, Java, C#, Database Management, Mobile Application Development, Networking (Cisco), VueJs, and many more subjects. I have learned a lot of useful things, however, I feel that I have not gotten a lot of things that I am interested in and would be useful.
Basically, I'm working with WordPress. My exam and my thesis were based around it. I developed a WordPress extension that communicates with a C# based desktop application. Basically, I don't like C#. If it's not a console application, you can't develop on Linux. And I use Linux. Okay, I know, I know that there is an application called Rider by JetBrains and I asked for a student license when I was a student, but I haven't got it since. Visual Studio is not ported to Linux, and WPF applications cannot be developed any other way as far as I know.
So I thought I would spend the next few years (among other things) learning something useful and interesting. Therefore I would like to learn the following:
DevOps - at least at a basic/intermediate level. Because I think it is very useful to know the environment that the software runs on, what can be done with cloud technology and Docker is a great invention. I already use it for small things.
React, Vue.Js and deep knowledge of JavaScript - in my opinion, you can build great things with these technologies and I would like to use them professionally.
PHP - as I wrote, I'm basically working with WordPress in my work. In a lot of cases, it's easier to write a script than to hunt down a plugin. Or, I can even write the plugin if I can program in PHP properly.
Python - I am very interested in artificial intelligence as a field. I'm very keen to get involved with it and in many cases Python is the best tool for this. So that's why I would like to learn it in more depth.
More Linux - Since I switched from Windows, my life has changed. At least at work level. I've simply become a Linux fanatic. So I want to learn all the bits and bobs of it as much as possible. Right Now I am using Pop Os, Ubuntu and Ubuntu Studio.
So that's pretty much what I'd like to do for the next few years. That's why I've decided that my studies and observations on this subject will be posted here on my HashNode blog, like a diary. That way I will be able to track my progress and look back to see how I solved a problem.
So I'm sure the current topics on the site will change and will be built around those. If you are interested in my journey, please subscribe, follow me.